Abstract # P205 Management of Highly Abberated Post-Keratoplasty and Post-RK Corneas Using Corneal Wavefront on the Schwind Laser System

Mehta, Cyres
Mehta International Eye Inst
Mumbai, India

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About the Presenter:
• Director of the Mehta International Eye Institute and Supervision LASIK Center,Mumbai ,India
• High Volume Phaco and LASIKsurgeon
• One of the Pioneers of Deep Sclerectomy in India
• Journal Editor of the Intraocular Implant Refractive Society ,India .
• Editor of the journal of the Contact Lens Society of India
• Indian Medical Editor ,Eurotimes.
• Gold medal awardeeof the Intraocular Implant Refractive Society ,India .
• Awarded outstanding young Indian for 2005 by Deputy Chief Minister of the State
• Coauthor 0f 7 International textbooks of LASIK Phaco and Glaucoma

Contact the presenter at: cyresmehta@yahoo.com

Cyres Mehta, MD
Keiki R. Mehta, MD

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management of highly abberated PK and RK eyes with Cor-wave Lasik:

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