Abstract # P157 Optic Disc Area, Optic Rim Area, and Axial Length in Evaluation of Glaucoma

Shimmyo, Mitsugu
New York, NY, United States of America

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About the Presenter:
The corresponding author Mitsugu Shimmyo, MD studied physics and Medicine at Hokkaido university, Japan, did internship at US Army Hospital, japan, and at City Hospital at Elmhurst, New York City, did research and residency in ophthalmology and is in private practice of general and refractive surgery practice in New york City. He is an assistant professor in clinical ophthalmology in New York Medical College, an attending surgeon at Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital and New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. Some of his recent publications includes Shimmyo M, Ross AJ, Moy A, Mostafavi R: Intraocular pressure, Goldmann applanation tension, centralcorneal thickness and corneal curvature in Caucasians, Asians,Hispanics and African-Americans. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2003; 136:603-613. Shimmyo M, Orloff PN: Corneal Thickness and Axial Length. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2005: 139 (3):553-554.Shimmyo M, Rho DS, Hiyama F, Iizuka S. Retardation of Myopia and axial growth by Atropine in children. Hong Kong Journal of Ophthalmology 2005:9 (1); 21-27.Shimmyo M: Central Corneal Thickness and Measured IOP Response to Topical Ocular Hypotensive Medication in the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study. Correspondence: American Journal of Ophthalmology 2005:139 (6):1148.
Contact the presenter at: MShimmyo@aol.com

Mitsugu Shimmyo, MD

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